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The Digital Classroom

“Virtual reality in education transcends the traditional boundaries of classrooms and textbooks, offering a universe of possibilities where learning is an adventure, not a task. It’s our responsibility to navigate this universe, guiding our students to explore, discover, and learn in ways we once only dreamed of.” – Daniel Bryant
(Integrated Development Leader & Immersive Technology)

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Our Product Partners

Virtual Reality in Education

Engaging VR and AR educational content for
students of all ages

Welcome to the world of
Virtual Reality

A whole new concept in educational technology. Class VR is designed specifically for students of all ages. ClassVR’s standalone virtual reality headsets come complete with everything you need to bring affordable, innovative virtual reality to the classroom.

ClassVR provides all the tools you need to deliver exciting and engaging VR & AR learning experiences. Simple classroom controls allow teachers to quickly and easily access curriculum content and manage each headset during a lesson. Not only that, all of their headsets come in ruggedised storage and charging cases to keep your headsets safe and ready to use at all times.

RedboxVR Education Kits

We offer a range of virtual reality kits that are perfect for the classroom. From our strapless Classroom VR/AR Kits to our highly immersive Pico Neo3 Kits. We’re sure to offer something to meet your requirements.

Making learning more engaging

Hassle-Free Charging

The RedboxVR case gives ultimate protection to your kit.
The case has dual fans keeping the unit cool so the devices can be charged with the lid closed.
The case has wheels and an extendable handle.

Expedition Headsets & Viewers

Enter the world of virtual reality with the Homido Grab Viewer.
Reviewed and certified by Google. GRAB works perfectly with ExpeditionsPro and thousands of applications with the RedboxVR system.

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