How Sustainable are Refurbished & Remanufactured Laptops?

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At GreenIT, we are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By choosing our refurbished and remanufactured laptops, you make a significant positive impact on the environment. Here’s how your decision contributes to a greener planet:

Buying One Refurbished or Remanufactured Device…

600kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

190,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

316kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

5 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

1,200kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.

Buying A Classroom of Refurbished or Remanufactured Devices (30)

18,000kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

5,700,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

9,480kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

150 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

36,000kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.


Buying A School of Refurbished or Remanufactured Devices (200)

120,000kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

38,000,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

63,200kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

1,000 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

240,000kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.


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