Category Archives: Latest News

Getting Your Laptop School-Ready: A GreenIT Guide to Physical Cleaning

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As the new school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to give your laptop a thorough clean. A clean laptop not only looks better but can also function more efficiently and last longer. At GreenIT, we understand the importance of maintaining your devices in top condition. Follow this guide to ensure your laptop is spotless and ready for the academic year ahead.

1. Cleaning the Screen

The screen is one of the most important parts of your laptop, and keeping it clean is crucial for a clear, comfortable viewing experience.

What You Need:

  • Screen wipes specifically designed for electronics or a microfiber cloth
  • Screen cleaning solution (if using a microfiber cloth)

How to Clean:

  1. Turn off the Laptop: Ensure your laptop is powered off and unplugged.
  2. Wipe Gently: Use screen wipes or lightly dampen a microfiber cloth with screen cleaning solution.
  3. Wipe in Circular Motions: Gently wipe the screen in small, circular motions to avoid streaks and ensure thorough cleaning.
  4. Dry the Screen: If any moisture remains, use a dry part of the microfiber cloth to gently wipe it away.

2. Cleaning the Keyboard

The keyboard is a hotspot for dust, crumbs, and bacteria. Keeping it clean is essential for hygiene and functionality.

What You Need:

  • Soft brush or compressed air
  • Keyboard cleaning gel or putty (optional)
  • Antibacterial wipes

How to Clean:

  1. Turn off the Laptop: As always, start by powering off and unplugging your laptop.
  2. Remove Debris: Use a soft brush or compressed air to remove dust and debris from between the keys.
  3. Deep Clean (Optional): For a deeper clean, use keyboard cleaning gel or putty to lift dirt and grime.
  4. Wipe the Keys: Use antibacterial wipes to clean the surface of the keys. Make sure the wipes are only slightly damp to avoid moisture getting into the keyboard.

3. Cleaning USB Ports and Other Openings

Dust and debris can accumulate in USB ports and other openings, potentially causing connectivity issues.

What You Need:

  • Small, soft brush or a toothbrush
  • Compressed air

How to Clean:

  1. Turn off the Laptop: Ensure your laptop is powered off and unplugged.
  2. Brush Out Debris: Use a small, soft brush or a toothbrush to gently clean the inside of USB ports and other openings.
  3. Use Compressed Air: For any remaining dust, use short bursts of compressed air to blow it out.

4. Cleaning the Exterior

Keeping the exterior of your laptop clean not only makes it look better but also removes bacteria and prevents the build-up of grime.

What You Need:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Mild cleaning solution (water and a small amount of dish soap)
  • Antibacterial wipes

How to Clean:

  1. Turn off the Laptop: Make sure your laptop is off and unplugged.
  2. Wipe with Solution: Dampen a microfiber cloth with a mild cleaning solution (water and a tiny bit of dish soap) and gently wipe down the exterior.
  3. Use Antibacterial Wipes: For added cleanliness, use antibacterial wipes on the areas you frequently touch, like the palm rest and the touchpad.
  4. Dry Thoroughly: Ensure all surfaces are dry before turning your laptop back on.

5. General Tips

  • Avoid Excess Moisture: Always use slightly damp cloths and wipes to prevent moisture from seeping into the laptop.
  • Be Gentle: Use gentle pressure to avoid damaging delicate parts.
  • Regular Cleaning: Make cleaning your laptop a regular habit to maintain its appearance and performance.


A clean laptop not only looks great but also functions better, providing a healthier environment for your schoolwork. By following this GreenIT guide, you can ensure your laptop is in top shape for the upcoming academic year. Regular maintenance and cleaning will help extend the life of your device, keeping it performing at its best.

For more tips on maintaining your technology or if you need professional assistance for damage or repair, don’t hesitate to Contact GreenIT We’re here to help keep your devices in top shape!

Enhance Early Childhood Education with Interactive Technology from Promethean

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Early childhood education is critical for children’s development and future academic success. It’s a time when they acquire important social, emotional, and cognitive skills, as well as an opportunity to learn how to interact with their peers, teachers, and parents.

Having interactive displays in preschools and daycares offers young children the chance to familiarize themselves with the technology they’ll be using in elementary school and beyond. And it offers an entryway into academics using interactive games and engaging lessons that spark their imagination and encourage creativity.

Take a look at some of the ways Promethean’s award-winning ActivPanel and Explain Everything software can transform early childhood education:

  • Get a jumpstart on academics – Apps and games specifically designed for preschool-age children help them learn basic literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Create engaging lessons – Teachers can use the built-in Explain Everything Whiteboard, games, videos, and more to encourage engagement.
  • Promote teamwork and collaboration – Children learn social interaction skills by coming up to the panel and problem-solving together.
  • Expand their worlds – Activities such as virtual fieldtrips, art projects, music lessons, and interactive storytelling take children to new, fascinating places.
  • Bring parents along – By allowing parents to access the same web applications as their children use, they can take a more active role in the learning process.

Why Choose Promethean For Your Interactive Technology Needs

Promethean hardware and software solutions are easy to use and require minimal training to get up and running fast. And you can rest assured that you’re making an investment in technology that will last far into the future.

  • Durable – The ActivPanel is built with high-quality materials, including toughened glass that can withstand daily use in any childcare setting.
  • Safe – Our hardware products are safe for young children to use, so you can let them touch and explore freely without worrying about damage or injuries.
  • Secure – Promethean maintains comprehensive privacy practices and employs multiple security measures to keep personal data safe.
  • Supportive – With a five-year warranty, 24/7 support, and multiple training options, you can be sure we’ll be there for you every step of the way.

This blog post is brought to you by Promethean in collaboration with GreenIT.

How to Make Your Windows Computer Faster : Tips & Tricks

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At GreenIT, we take pride in refurbishing devices to a standard that makes them feel like new. However, even the most meticulously restored computer can slow down over time with regular use. If your Windows PC is starting to feel sluggish, don’t worry! We’ve compiled some simple and effective tips to help you restore its performance.

Disk Cleanup

Over time, your computer accumulates a lot of unnecessary files — think temporary files, system cache, and leftover data from uninstalled programmes. These can clutter your hard drive and slow down your system.

How to Perform Disk Cleanup:

  1. Open Disk Cleanup Tool: Type “Disk Cleanup” into the Start menu search bar and select the tool from the results.
  2. Select Drive: Choose the drive you want to clean (usually C:).
  3. Analyse Files: Disk Cleanup will scan your system and display a list of file types that can be safely deleted.
  4. Select and Delete: Tick the boxes next to the file types you want to remove and click “OK.” Confirm the deletion.

This simple step can free up space and reduce the load on your system, providing an immediate performance boost.

Defragment Your Hard Drive

If your PC uses a traditional hard drive (HDD), defragmenting it can significantly enhance performance. Fragmentation occurs when files are scattered across different parts of the drive, making it harder for the system to read them efficiently.

Steps to Defragment:

  1. Access Defragmentation Tool: Type “Defragment and Optimize Drives” into the Start menu search bar.
  2. Analyse the Drive: Select the drive you want to defragment and click “Analyse.”
  3. Defragment: If the analysis shows significant fragmentation, click “Optimise” to start the defragmentation process.

Note: If you have a Solid-State Drive (SSD), skip this step. SSDs don’t benefit from defragmentation and might even be harmed by it.

Uninstall Unnecessary Programs

Unused programmes can take up valuable space and slow down your computer. Reviewing and removing these programmes can help streamline your system.

How to Uninstall:

  1. Open Control Panel: Type “Control Panel” into the Start menu search bar.
  2. Go to Programmes and Features: Select “Uninstall a program.”
  3. Review and Remove: Look through the list of installed programmes and uninstall those you no longer need by selecting them and clicking “Uninstall.”

Manage Startup Programs

Some applications start automatically when you boot up your PC, which can significantly slow down your startup time. Limiting these can help your computer boot faster and run more smoothly.

Steps to Manage Startup Programmes:

  1. Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Navigate to Startup Tab: Click on the “Startup” tab to see a list of programmes that launch on startup.
  3. Disable Unnecessary Programmes: Right-click on the programmes you don’t need at startup and select “Disable.”

Update Windows and Drivers

Keeping your operating system and drivers updated ensures that your PC runs with the latest performance improvements and security patches.

How to Update:

  1. Check for Windows Updates: Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click “Check for updates.”
  2. Update Drivers: You can use Device Manager to update drivers manually or use a trusted third-party tool to simplify the process.

Scan for Malware

Malware can significantly impair your computer’s performance. Running regular scans can help keep your system secure and running smoothly.

How to Scan for Malware:

  1. Use Windows Defender: Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security and run a full scan.
  2. Consider Third-Party Antivirus: For more thorough protection, you might use additional antivirus software.

Upgrade Your Hardware

Sometimes, software tweaks aren’t enough. If your computer continues to lag, consider a hardware upgrade. Adding more RAM or switching to an SSD can provide a significant speed boost.

Common Hardware Upgrades:

  • Increase RAM: More memory allows your computer to handle more tasks simultaneously.
  • Switch to an SSD: SSDs are much faster than traditional HDDs and can drastically reduce boot and load times.

At GreenIT, we refurbish computers to ensure they meet high standards of quality and performance. However, even the best machines can slow down over time with everyday use. By following these steps, you can keep your Windows PC running smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance is key to a long-lasting, high-performing computer.

For more tips or if you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact GreenIT. We’re here to help keep your technology in top shape!


Remanufactured Laptops vs. Brand New: Why Going Green is the Better Choice

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In a world increasingly aware of sustainability, the choice between remanufactured laptops and brand new laptops has become more relevant than ever. But beyond the environmental benefits, remanufactured laptops offer surprising advantages that often make them a smarter choice than their brand-new counterparts. Let’s delve into why choosing a remanufactured laptop could be the best decision for both your wallet and the planet.

What Are Remanufactured Laptops?

First, let’s clarify what we mean by remanufactured laptops. These devices are not simply used or second-hand. They undergo a comprehensive process where they are disassembled, cleaned, tested, and rebuilt to meet stringent manufacturing standards. Essentially, remanufactured laptops are restored to their original performance and aesthetic quality, often indistinguishable from new ones.

Key Benefits of Choosing Remanufactured Laptops

1. Significant Cost Savings

One of the most compelling reasons to opt for a remanufactured laptop is the cost advantage. On average, remanufactured laptops are about 30% cheaper than brand-new models. This makes high-performance technology accessible without straining your budget, allowing you to invest in other critical areas or simply save money.

2. Extended Warranty for Peace of Mind

When you buy a brand-new laptop, you typically get a one-year warranty. In contrast, many remanufactured laptops come with extended warranties of up to three years. This extended coverage not only matches but often exceeds the warranty period of new devices, providing added peace of mind and protection against potential issues.

3. Environmentally Friendly Choice

Choosing a remanufactured laptop significantly reduces your environmental footprint. Here’s how:

  • CO2 Emissions: Each remanufactured laptop prevents approximately 316kg (700lbs) of CO2 emissions compared to a new one. Over the lifetime of a single contract, this can equate to the emissions saved by taking hundreds of cars off the road.
  • Water Conservation: The remanufacturing process saves over 190,000 litres of water per laptop, which would otherwise be used in the production of a new device. This amount of water is sufficient for one person’s drinking needs for over 700 years.
  • Resource Preservation: Remanufacturing conserves around 1,200kg of Earth’s resources, as these materials are not required to be mined, refined, or consumed.

4. High Quality and Reliability

Thanks to rigorous testing and rebuilding processes, remanufactured laptops often match the performance and reliability of new laptops. They undergo extensive quality control measures, including software updates and hardware replacements, ensuring they meet or exceed original specifications. The result is a device that looks, performs, and feels like new but comes with the added benefit of rigorous quality assurance.

5. Supporting the Circular Economy

Opting for a remanufactured laptop supports the circular economy—a system where products are kept in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value from them before recovery and regeneration. This approach reduces waste, minimises environmental impact, and promotes sustainable consumption patterns.

Why Remanufactured Laptops Might Be “Better Than New”

Given these benefits, remanufactured laptops can arguably be considered “better than new” in several ways:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: With substantial savings on purchase price and extended warranties, remanufactured laptops provide excellent value for money.
  • Extended Warranty: The typical 2 to 3-year warranty on remanufactured laptops offers greater security and confidence compared to the standard 1-year warranty on new devices.
  • Sustainability: By choosing remanufactured, you contribute to environmental conservation and resource efficiency, aligning your purchase with broader sustainability goals.
  • Quality Assurance: The remanufacturing process ensures that each laptop meets high-quality standards, often surpassing the quality checks of new products straight from the assembly line.

Making the Switch: What to Consider

When considering a remanufactured laptop, it’s essential to look for certified providers who adhere to recognised standards, such as the BSI Kitemark for remanufacturing. This ensures that the laptop has been rigorously tested and restored to like-new condition, with a reliable warranty backing it up.

Additionally, assess your needs and the specifications of the laptop. Remanufactured laptops come in various configurations, so you can find one that perfectly suits your performance requirements and budget.


In today’s tech-driven world, making sustainable choices is more important than ever. Remanufactured laptops offer a compelling alternative to buying new, combining cost savings, high quality, extended warranties, and significant environmental benefits. By choosing remanufactured, you’re not only getting a device that’s as good as new but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

Ready to make the switch? Explore our range of remanufactured laptops and discover the perfect blend of performance, affordability, and environmental responsibility. Join us in leading the charge towards a circular economy and a greener planet.


Government announces launch of New Procurement Arrangement for Remanufactured Laptops

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GreenIT press release Remanufactured Laptops

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has launched a new framework that allows public bodies to purchase remanufactured laptops. This is the first arrangement of its kind in the EU and can be availed of by all public service bodies regardless of size.

The contract has an estimated value of up to €30 million and fully supports the circular economy objectives set out in the Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 .

The laptops are subject to rigorous manufacturing and testing standards and devices supplied under the new framework come with up to three years of warranty.

Minister for Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, welcomed the arrangement saying:

“The National Development Plan outlined our ambitions to transition to a low- carbon society and this framework supports this.


“This is the first such framework to be established by a central purchasing body in the EU and offers significant environmental benefits, including carbon reduction and resource and water savings as well as value for money.”

Minister of State with responsibility for public procurement and circular economy Ossian Smyth TD, welcomed the arrangement saying:

“The public sector now has a way to buy remanufactured laptops from a trusted source, saving money and avoiding waste. This is a change from previous rules that advised always to buy new products. I’m delighted to see this progress.”

The cost of a remanufactured notebook is, on average, 30% lower than the newly manufactured equivalent. This arrangement supports commitments in the Programme for Government aimed at ensuring public procurement leads the transition to the Circular Economy.


Each time a remanufactured laptop is chosen over a new laptop…

It is estimated that over the lifetime of the contract approximately 60,000 remanufactured laptops could be bought over new laptops. This equates to a reduction of 19 million Kgs CO2, 72 million Kgs of mined resource preservation and 11 billion litres of water not used.

Remanufacturing not only prevents the consumption of resources, but also avoids the e-waste from the disposal of devices. The CO2 saving alone is equivalent to taking 1,200 cars off the road for each year of this contract.

What is the difference between remanufacturing and refurbishing?..

Learn more about “Remanufactured Laptops” today…

To find out more about this great new scheme or learn more about “Remanufactured Laptops” contact GreenIT…

GreenIT awarded an Office of Government Procurement scheme, valued at €30 million

GreenIT press release Remanufactured Laptops
GreenIT press release Remanufactured Laptops

GreenIT in partnership with Circular Computing is delighted to be part of the innovative €30 million initiative by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP). This scheme will provide up to 60,000 remanufactured laptops for civil servants over the next four years, aligning perfectly with GreenIT’s commitment to sustainability.

We’re proud to contribute to significant environmental benefits, including reduced carbon emissions and resource conservation. Being a part of this groundbreaking programme, which supports the Government’s low-carbon and circular economy goals, is a fantastic opportunity for GreenIT.

Cormac Mc Quinn Writes in the IrishTimes today…

As many as 60,000 “remanufactured” previously used laptops will be sourced for civil servants over the next four years under a €30 million spending plan.

The environmental initiative by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) will allow public bodies to buy laptops under a purchasing framework designed to cut costs and carbon emmissions.

The Government said the overhauled used laptops are “subject to rigorous manufacturing and testing standards, and devices supplied under the new framework come with up to three years of warranty”.

It pointed to a scientific study by Cranfield University which found “significant environmental benefits to choosing remanufactured devices over newly manufactured devices”.

The benefits include the prevention of approximately 316kg of CO2 emissions per laptop and the saving of 190,000 litres of water in the manufacturing process.

In addition, approximately 1,200kg of Earth’s resources are not required to be mined, refined or consumed.

The cost of the laptops is, on average, 30 per cent lower than the newly manufactured equivalent, according to the Government.

Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe said the initiative supported the Government’s ambitions “to transition to a low-carbon society”.

“This is the first such framework to be established by a central purchasing body in the EU and offers significant environmental benefits, including carbon reduction and resource and water savings as well as value for money.”

Minister of State with responsibility for public procurement Ossian Smyth said: “The public sector now has a way to buy remanufactured laptops from a trusted source, saving money and avoiding waste”.

“This is a change from previous rules that advised always to buy new products. I’m delighted to see this progress.”

The plans are part of Government’s efforts to encourage the “circular economy” which is aimed at reducing waste.

The Government said the contract has an estimated value of up to €30 million and it “fully supports the circular economy objectives set out in the Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027.”

In the region of 60,000 laptops can be procured up to the €30 million value of the framework over its four-year term.

This equates to a reduction of 19 million kilograms of CO2, 72 million kilograms of mined resource preservation and 11 billion litres of water not used, the Government statement said.

The contract allows for varied configurations and specifications for the laptops, depending on the requirement of the purchaser.

Learn More about “Remanufactured Laptops” Today…

To find out more about this great new scheme or learn more about “Remanufactured Laptops” contact GreenIT…

Troubleshooting Common iPad Issues: Easy Fixes

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At GreenIT, we understand how integral your iPad is to your daily life, whether for work, school, or entertainment. However, like any tech device, iPads can encounter issues from time to time. Fortunately, many of these problems have simple solutions that you can try at home. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common iPad issues and provide easy fixes to get your device back in top shape.

1. iPad Won’t Turn On

Common Cause: This issue can be due to a drained battery, software glitches, or hardware problems.

Easy Fixes:

  • Charge Your iPad: Connect your iPad to a power source using the original charger and cable. Allow it to charge for at least 15-30 minutes before attempting to turn it on again.
  • Force Restart: If charging doesn’t work, try a force restart. Press and hold the Home button (for iPads with a Home button) and the Power button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. For newer models without a Home button, press and quickly release the Volume Up button, press and quickly release the Volume Down button, then press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo appears.

2. iPad Running Slowly

Common Cause: Over time, apps and processes can slow down your iPad’s performance.

Easy Fixes:

  • Close Background Apps: Double-click the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to see all open apps. Swipe up on each app to close it.
  • Clear Cache: Go to Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data to remove cached data that might be slowing down your device.
  • Restart Your iPad: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve performance issues. Press and hold the Power button, then slide to power off. Turn it back on after a few seconds.

3. Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues

Common Cause: Network issues, router problems, or software glitches can cause Wi-Fi connectivity issues.

Easy Fixes:

  • Toggle Wi-Fi: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, turn off Wi-Fi, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.
  • Restart Your Router: Unplug your router, wait for about 30 seconds, and plug it back in. Allow it to fully restart, then reconnect your iPad.
  • Forget and Reconnect: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, tap on your network, then tap “Forget This Network.” Reconnect by selecting the network again and entering your password.

4. iPad Not Charging

Common Cause: This can be due to a faulty cable, charger, or port.

Easy Fixes:

  • Inspect the Cable and Charger: Check for any visible damage to the cable or charger. If possible, try using a different cable and charger to see if the issue persists.
  • Clean the Charging Port: Dust and debris can accumulate in the charging port, preventing a proper connection. Use a soft brush or a can of compressed air to gently clean the port.
  • Restart Your iPad: Sometimes, restarting your device can resolve charging issues. Follow the steps mentioned above for restarting your iPad.

5. Unresponsive Screen

Common Cause: An unresponsive screen can be due to software glitches or physical damage.

Easy Fixes:

  • Remove Screen Protector: If you have a screen protector, it might be interfering with touch sensitivity. Try removing it to see if the screen becomes responsive.
  • Force Restart: As described earlier, perform a force restart to resolve temporary software glitches.
  • Update iOS: Go to Settings > General > Software Update to check for any available updates. Installing the latest iOS version can fix bugs and improve performance.

When to Seek Professional Help

While these fixes can resolve many common iPad issues, some problems might require professional attention. If your iPad continues to experience issues despite trying these solutions, it’s best to consult with a professional repair service like GreenIT. We offer expert diagnostics and repairs to ensure your device functions optimally as long as they were purchased from us.

Your iPad is a valuable tool, and keeping it in good working order is essential. By understanding common issues and their easy fixes, you can often troubleshoot problems on your own. At GreenIT, we’re always here to help with more complex issues or provide professional repair services when needed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Solve Your Laptop Keyboard Issues: Hardware or Software Fix Available

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Is your laptop keyboard not working or responding? Don’t panic. It could be due to a hardware or software issue. First, check for physical dirt or damage on the keyboard. Clean it with compressed air and a soft cloth, or remove the battery if it’s overheating. If it’s still not working, try updating the keyboard drivers or changing the keyboard layout. If the problem persists, seek help from an expert like GreenIT in Nass, Co Kildare. Don’t let a faulty keyboard hold you back. Get your laptop keyboard working again.

Clean Your Keyboard with Ease: Use Compressed Air and Soft Cloth

Dirt and debris can clog up your laptop keyboard, causing it to malfunction. A quick fix is to use a can of compressed air and a soft cloth to remove any buildup. Don’t forget to turn off and unplug your laptop before shaking it upside down to get rid of any remaining dust. Keep your keyboard clean for a smooth typing experience.

Remove the Power Source (Battery)

If your laptop battery is detachable, remove it and instead connect the computer to its charging cord. The keyboard’s positioning directly under the battery can sometimes cause issues, particularly if the battery is overheating. By removing it, you may solve the keyboard problem.

Motherboard Connection

In case your keyboard is not connected to your laptop’s motherboard or has been damaged, it’s a complex issue. Instead of attempting a DIY repair, it’s best to take your laptop to a professional, such as GreenIT in Naas, Co Kildare, for a prompt resolution. If there’s no physical dirt or damage visible, the keyboard may be facing a software glitch. Expert assistance can help resolve this.

Fix Keyboard Drivers or Adjust Settings

Is your HP, Lenovo or Dell laptop keyboard not functioning? The issue may lie with the device drivers due to third-party software or power problems. A simple solution is to uninstall and reinstall the drivers. Here’s how:

Updating Keyboard Drivers on a Windows 10 PC:

  1. Press the Windows key and search for “Device Manager”.
  2. Click on the arrow next to Keyboards, then right-click on a keyboard listed and choose Update Driver.
  3. Select “Search automatically for updated driver software”.
  4. Click on “Update Driver”.

Change the Keyboard Layout

It’s possible that the language on your laptop or keyboard layout was accidentally changed. If you notice your keys are producing different letters than they should be, follow these steps:

How to Change the Keyboard Layout on a PC:

  1. Click the Start menu and click Settings, then select Time and Language.
  2. Click Language on the left-hand side. Click your existing language and select Options.
  3. In the Keyboards section, select Add a keyboard, then choose the layout you want to add.

If you’re still having trouble, the reason your keyboard is not working on your laptop may be more severe. It could be defective, infected with malware, or be physically damaged.

Can you replace a laptop keyboard? Sure. But before you go to extremes, check in with an expert for a free device diagnostic at your nearest laptop repair center, like the one at GreenIT in Naas, Co Kildare.

The Benefits of Buying Remanufactured Laptops from GreenIT in Ireland

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As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability, more individuals and businesses are seeking eco-friendly alternatives for their technological needs. In Ireland, GreenIT is leading the charge by offering high-quality remanufactured laptops that combine reliability with significant environmental benefits. This blog post explores the advantages of purchasing remanufactured laptops from GreenIT, highlighting features like extended warranties, repainted or reskinned models, and a one-year battery warranty.

Why Choose Remanufactured Laptops?

Remanufactured laptops are pre-owned devices that have been meticulously restored to like-new condition. This process involves comprehensive testing, repair, and updating of both hardware and software components to ensure peak performance. Opting for a remanufactured laptop from GreenIT provides several key benefits:

Environmental Impact

Purchasing a remanufactured laptop significantly reduces electronic waste and conserves natural resources. By extending the lifecycle of existing devices, GreenIT helps minimize the carbon footprint associated with producing new electronics. This sustainable choice supports the circular economy, emphasizing reuse, refurbishment, and recycling.

Cost Savings

Remanufactured laptops offer excellent value for money, typically available at a fraction of the cost of new models. This affordability makes them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers and businesses, without compromising on quality or performance.

High-Quality Standards

GreenIT ensures that all remanufactured laptops undergo rigorous testing and quality control processes. Each device is thoroughly inspected, with any defective parts replaced or repaired, ensuring that the laptops meet high-performance standards comparable to new devices.

Exclusive Benefits of Buying from GreenIT

GreenIT sets itself apart by offering a range of exclusive benefits to enhance the value and reliability of its remanufactured laptops. Here are some standout features:

2 to 3 Year Warranty

One of the most significant advantages of buying from GreenIT is the generous warranty coverage. Every remanufactured laptop comes with a 2-3 year warranty, providing peace of mind and assurance of the device’s quality. This extended warranty demonstrates GreenIT’s confidence in its products and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Repainted or Reskinned Models

GreenIT goes the extra mile to ensure that remanufactured laptops not only perform well but also look great. Many models are repainted or reskinned, giving them a fresh, updated appearance. This attention to detail ensures that customers receive a device that looks as good as new, enhancing the overall ownership experience.

1 Year Battery Warranty

Battery life is a crucial aspect of any laptop’s usability. GreenIT addresses this by offering a one-year battery warranty on all remanufactured laptops. This warranty covers any defects in the battery, ensuring that users can rely on their laptop’s performance without worrying about premature battery failure.

The Process Behind GreenIT’s Remanufactured Laptops

Understanding the meticulous process behind GreenIT’s remanufactured laptops can help customers appreciate the quality and care that goes into each device:

Collection and Initial Assessment

GreenIT sources used laptops from various channels, including corporate trade-ins and electronic recycling programs. Each device undergoes an initial assessment to determine its suitability for remanufacturing.

Data Wipe and Security

All data on the laptops is securely erased to protect the privacy of previous owners. This step is crucial to ensure that no personal or sensitive information remains on the devices.

Component Testing and Replacement

Key components such as the hard drive, memory, battery, and motherboard are tested for functionality. Any defective or outdated parts are replaced with new or refurbished components, ensuring optimal performance.

Cosmetic Restoration

The laptops are cleaned, and any cosmetic damages, such as scratches or dents, are repaired. This may include repainting or reskinning to give the device a fresh, new look.

Software Installation and Final Testing

A fresh installation of the operating system and necessary drivers is performed. The laptops then undergo rigorous final testing to ensure they operate smoothly and meet GreenIT’s high-quality standards.

Packaging and Distribution

Finally, the remanufactured laptops are carefully packaged, often with eco-friendly materials, and made available for purchase.


GreenIT’s commitment to sustainability and quality makes their remanufactured laptops an excellent choice for consumers and businesses in Ireland. By offering extended warranties, repainted or reskinned models, and a one-year battery warranty, GreenIT ensures that their customers receive reliable, high-performing devices that look as good as new. Embrace the future of eco-friendly technology and enjoy the numerous benefits of remanufactured laptops from GreenIT. Choose sustainability, choose quality, choose GreenIT.


How Sustainable are Refurbished & Remanufactured Laptops?

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At GreenIT, we are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By choosing our refurbished and remanufactured laptops, you make a significant positive impact on the environment. Here’s how your decision contributes to a greener planet:

Buying One Refurbished or Remanufactured Device…

600kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

190,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

316kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

5 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

1,200kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.

Buying A Classroom of Refurbished or Remanufactured Devices (30)

18,000kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

5,700,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

9,480kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

150 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

36,000kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.


Buying A School of Refurbished or Remanufactured Devices (200)

120,000kgs of Sequestered Carbon Emissions

Helping to compensate for the ‘embodied’ carbon emissions from each laptops original manufacture and first three years of use.

38,000,000 Litres of Water Saved

You have saved water as it is not being used for extraction, refining and production of a new computer and its components.

63,200kgs of Carbon Reduction

You have avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ equivalent emissions by not buying new. We are a carbon-neutral company with high environmental values. Our laptops and computers are a carbon neutral product.

1,000 Trees Planted

Through our partners, five trees are planted everytime you buy a device*

240,000kgs of Resource Preservation

By not buying new, you have preserved valuable critical minerals and prevented the e-waste from the disposal of a laptop.

0% E-Waste Produced

We produce zero e-waste for remanufactured devices, for refurbished devices any part that is not performing is replaced and the old part is recycled and does not end up in landfill.


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