Category Archives: Latest New

Blended Learning – Advantages to a New Way of Learning

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Blended Learning – Advantages to a New Way of Learning As students and teachers prepare to return to their studies and work in the coming weeks, learning as we know it may be taking on a new pattern. Blended learning is sure to become the norm for many colleges throughout the country. Blended learning uses […]

Considering Refurbished Tech? Here’s the Benefits

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Considering Refurbished Tech? Here’s the Benefits Great deals don’t come along every day. Items, especially electronics, when sold at a lower price often come with a catch. This is what most people assume when they look at the price of a refurbished laptop. However, there is a huge difference.  Refurbished laptops are laptops that used […]

Choosing New Hardware & Software? Here’s what to Consider…

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Choosing the correct hardware and software for you and your business is important. Buying the correct equipment enables you to get the work done right. Computers consist of two main elements, namely hardware and software. Hardware is the physical elements such as the computer hard drives, screens, printers, etc, whereas Software is the interface that […]

Buying IT Equipment? Here’s how you can save Money..

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Buying IT Equipment? Here’s how you can save Money.. Depending on your needs, buying IT equipment can seem more tedious than it actually needs to be. With all the options available these days, choosing what is right for you can seem laboursome and expensive. However, it doesn’t need to be. Here are some tips that […]

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