Why GreenIT Chooses DHL and DPD

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At GreenIT, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our products and services to every aspect of our operations, including our shipping providers. In our quest to minimize our environmental footprint, we have partnered with industry leaders DHL and DPD, whose sustainable practices align with our own values and goals. This blog post explores why we chose DHL and DPD as our shipping partners and how their green initiatives support our sustainability mission.

DHL: A Commitment to Green Logistics That Resonates with GreenIT

Carbon Neutral Buildings

One of the key reasons we selected DHL is their dedication to sustainable infrastructure. Their carbon-neutral buildings, which utilize renewable energy sources like solar power, advanced building automation systems, and sustainable heating solutions, mirror our commitment to reducing environmental impact. These initiatives significantly lower the carbon footprint of DHL’s operations, which directly benefits our overall sustainability goals.

Green Line-Haul and Emissions Transparency

DHL’s green line-haul services, powered by sustainable fuels, and their emphasis on emissions transparency were decisive factors in our partnership. By providing visibility into the carbon footprint of each shipment, DHL allows us and our customers to make more informed and environmentally conscious decisions. This transparency helps us maintain our commitment to accountability and continuous improvement in our environmental impact.

Efficient Networks and Green Last-Mile Delivery

Efficiency and innovation are at the heart of DHL’s logistics network, which is another reason we chose them. Through route optimization and the use of longliner trucks, DHL reduces fuel consumption and emissions. For the critical last-mile delivery, they deploy electric vehicles and other green transport modes, including bicycles. These efforts ensure that our deliveries are as eco-friendly as possible.

Sustainable Aviation and Marine Fuels

DHL’s use of sustainable aviation fuels in their express and global forwarding businesses, as well as sustainable marine fuels for ocean freight, aligns with GreenIT’s vision for reducing carbon emissions across all transportation modes. Their pioneering efforts in these areas reinforce our decision to partner with them for international shipping needs.

Ambitious Goals for 2030

DHL’s goal to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions from 39 million tonnes CO2e to under 29 million tonnes by 2030 demonstrates their long-term commitment to sustainability. This ambitious target supports our own sustainability objectives and reflects the kind of forward-thinking approach we value in our partners.

DPD: Driving Towards a Greener Future Together with GreenIT

Fleet Decarbonisation

DPD’s proactive approach to fleet decarbonisation was a major factor in our decision to partner with them. They are investing €3 million in fleet decarbonisation by 2025, switching their linehaul trucks to 100% renewable HVO biofuel and deploying electric vans. These initiatives are expected to reduce DPD’s total emissions by 90% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels, which is a significant contribution to our shared sustainability goals.

Green Buildings and Community Engagement

DPD’s Green Flag Project, which enhances energy efficiency in their depots, reduces waste, and supports local communities, resonates strongly with GreenIT’s values. Their Athlone hub’s use of solar power to produce renewable energy exemplifies the kind of innovative and responsible practices we seek in our partners.

Air Quality Monitoring and Waste Reduction

DPD’s commitment to monitoring air quality in Dublin with sensor-equipped vans and sharing this data with authorities aligns with our belief in using data to drive environmental action. Additionally, their efforts to reduce waste through recycling, reusing, and sustainable packaging are initiatives that we at GreenIT fully support and implement within our own operations.

Emissions Reporting and Closer Communities Initiative

DPD’s long-standing practice of calculating CO2 and other environmental impacts since 2013, along with their emissions reporting tools, helps us and our customers track and reduce our own emissions. Their Closer Communities initiative, which supports local projects and environmental causes, complements our own community engagement efforts.

At GreenIT, our choice of shipping partners is a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainability. DHL and DPD exemplify the green practices and forward-thinking approaches that are integral to our mission. Through these partnerships, we not only ensure that our shipping operations are as environmentally friendly as possible but also contribute to a broader movement towards sustainability in the logistics industry. By choosing DHL and DPD, we are confident that we are making a positive impact on the planet, one shipment at a time.

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