Government announces launch of New Procurement Arrangement for Remanufactured Laptops

GreenIT press release Remanufactured Laptops

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has launched a new framework that allows public bodies to purchase remanufactured laptops. This is the first arrangement of its kind in the EU and can be availed of by all public service bodies regardless of size.

The contract has an estimated value of up to €30 million and fully supports the circular economy objectives set out in the Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 .

The laptops are subject to rigorous manufacturing and testing standards and devices supplied under the new framework come with up to three years of warranty.

Minister for Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, welcomed the arrangement saying:

“The National Development Plan outlined our ambitions to transition to a low- carbon society and this framework supports this.


“This is the first such framework to be established by a central purchasing body in the EU and offers significant environmental benefits, including carbon reduction and resource and water savings as well as value for money.”

Minister of State with responsibility for public procurement and circular economy Ossian Smyth TD, welcomed the arrangement saying:

“The public sector now has a way to buy remanufactured laptops from a trusted source, saving money and avoiding waste. This is a change from previous rules that advised always to buy new products. I’m delighted to see this progress.”

The cost of a remanufactured notebook is, on average, 30% lower than the newly manufactured equivalent. This arrangement supports commitments in the Programme for Government aimed at ensuring public procurement leads the transition to the Circular Economy.


Each time a remanufactured laptop is chosen over a new laptop…

It is estimated that over the lifetime of the contract approximately 60,000 remanufactured laptops could be bought over new laptops. This equates to a reduction of 19 million Kgs CO2, 72 million Kgs of mined resource preservation and 11 billion litres of water not used.

Remanufacturing not only prevents the consumption of resources, but also avoids the e-waste from the disposal of devices. The CO2 saving alone is equivalent to taking 1,200 cars off the road for each year of this contract.

What is the difference between remanufacturing and refurbishing?..

Learn more about “Remanufactured Laptops” today…

To find out more about this great new scheme or learn more about “Remanufactured Laptops” contact GreenIT…

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