Category Archives: Teacher Resources

Benefits of Interactive Whiteboards in Irish Schools

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Interactive whiteboards have revolutionized the educational landscape, providing dynamic and engaging learning experiences for students and teachers alike. In Ireland, the adoption of this technology is transforming classrooms into vibrant centers of interactive learning. Here are some of the key benefits of using interactive whiteboards in schools across the country.

Enhanced Student Engagement

Interactive whiteboards captivate students’ attention by incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, images, and sound into lessons. This multi-sensory approach caters to different learning styles, making lessons more engaging and interactive. Students are more likely to participate actively in lessons, leading to improved understanding and retention of information.

Encourages Collaborative Learning

Interactive whiteboards facilitate collaborative learning by allowing multiple students to interact with the board simultaneously. This fosters teamwork and communication skills as students work together on projects, solve problems, and share ideas. Teachers can create group activities that promote cooperative learning, making the classroom a more inclusive and collaborative environment.

Instant Access to Online Resources

With internet connectivity, interactive whiteboards provide instant access to a wealth of online resources. Teachers can enhance their lessons with real-time information, educational videos, and interactive simulations. This access to a vast array of digital content helps to enrich the curriculum and provides students with up-to-date and relevant information.

Supports Diverse Teaching Methods

Interactive whiteboards support various teaching methods, from traditional lectures to interactive lessons. Teachers can use them to present information visually, conduct interactive quizzes, and facilitate class discussions. This flexibility allows educators to tailor their teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the lessons.

Easy Integration with Other Technologies

Interactive whiteboards can seamlessly integrate with other educational technologies, such as tablets, laptops, and educational software. This integration enhances the learning experience by allowing students and teachers to share content across different devices. For example, students can work on assignments on their tablets and then present their work on the interactive whiteboard for class feedback.

Enhances Lesson Preparation and Delivery

Interactive whiteboards simplify lesson preparation and delivery for teachers. They can create and store digital lesson plans, easily access educational content, and use various tools to present information effectively. This efficiency saves time and allows teachers to focus more on student interaction and personalized instruction.

Promotes Active Learning

Interactive whiteboards encourage active learning by involving students directly in the lesson. Instead of passively listening, students can interact with the board by answering questions, solving problems, and participating in interactive activities. This hands-on approach helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Environmentally Friendly

Using interactive whiteboards reduces the need for paper, as notes and lessons can be saved digitally and shared electronically. This shift towards a paperless classroom helps to reduce the school’s environmental footprint and promotes sustainable practices.

Supports Remote Learning

In times when remote learning is necessary, interactive whiteboards can be a valuable tool. They allow teachers to conduct live lessons that students can join from home, maintaining continuity in education. Recorded lessons can also be saved and accessed by students at their convenience, ensuring that no one falls behind.


The integration of interactive whiteboards in Irish schools is proving to be a game-changer in education. By enhancing student engagement, promoting collaborative learning, and providing access to a wealth of digital resources, interactive whiteboards are helping to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment. As technology continues to advance, the benefits of interactive whiteboards will only grow, making them an essential tool in modern education. Irish schools that embrace this technology are not only preparing their students for the future but also enriching their educational experiences in the present.

View Our Range of Interactive Whiteboards

Tips for Maintaining Chromebooks

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To ensure that Chromebooks remain effective educational tools, regular maintenance is essential. This section offers valuable tips for teachers on how to properly care for and maintain Chromebooks, from charging habits to cleaning practices, helping to extend their lifespan and improve overall performance.

1. Regular Charging Habits

  • Charge Chromebooks fully before disconnecting them from the power source to ensure the battery remains healthy. Avoid letting the battery drain completely too often.

2. Keep Chromebooks Clean

  • Regularly clean the screen, keyboard, and trackpad with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals; a damp cloth with water or a screen cleaner specifically designed for electronics is sufficient.

3. Manage Storage

  • Encourage students to regularly back up important files to Google Drive and delete unnecessary files from the local storage. Keeping the storage clear can improve performance.

4. Update Regularly

  • Ensure that Chromebooks are updated regularly to benefit from the latest features and security patches. Set a schedule to check for updates at least once a week.

5. Use Protective Cases

  • Invest in protective cases for Chromebooks to prevent physical damage. This is especially important in a classroom setting where devices are frequently moved and used by multiple students.

6. Monitor Extensions and Apps

  • Regularly review installed extensions and apps to ensure they are necessary and trusted. Unnecessary or malicious extensions can slow down the device and pose security risks.

Benefits of Virtual Reality in Education

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Virtual Reality (VR) technology is making significant strides in education, offering immersive and interactive learning experiences that were once the stuff of science fiction. As VR becomes more accessible and integrated into classrooms, its benefits for education are becoming increasingly apparent. Here’s a look at how VR is transforming the learning landscape and enhancing educational outcomes.

Immersive Learning Experiences

One of the most significant benefits of VR in education is the ability to create immersive learning experiences. Students can explore historical sites, travel through space, dive into the depths of the ocean, or even walk through the human body. These immersive experiences make learning more engaging and memorable, helping students understand complex concepts through firsthand experience.

Enhanced Engagement and Motivation

VR captures students’ attention in a way that traditional teaching methods often cannot. The interactive nature of VR makes learning fun and exciting, increasing student motivation and engagement. When students are actively involved in their learning process, they are more likely to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Facilitates Experiential Learning

VR allows students to learn by doing, which is a powerful educational method. For example, science students can conduct virtual experiments in a safe and controlled environment, medical students can practice surgeries, and engineering students can design and test structures. This hands-on approach helps students develop practical skills and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Inclusive Education

VR can cater to diverse learning needs, making education more inclusive. For students with disabilities or those who require different learning paces, VR offers customizable and adaptable learning environments. This flexibility ensures that all students, regardless of their physical or learning abilities, can benefit from the same educational opportunities.

Enhances Collaboration and Communication

VR can facilitate collaboration and communication among students. Virtual classrooms and group projects enable students to work together, regardless of their physical location. This global interaction not only enhances teamwork and communication skills but also exposes students to diverse perspectives and cultures.

Real-World Applications

VR bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications. Students can practice skills in a simulated environment before applying them in real life. For instance, VR training for medical students can replicate real-life surgical procedures, allowing them to practice and hone their skills without the risks associated with real surgeries.

Encourages Creativity and Innovation

VR stimulates creativity and innovation by allowing students to explore and experiment in ways that are not possible in traditional classrooms. Students can create virtual worlds, design 3D models, and develop simulations. This creative freedom encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for success in the 21st century.

Safe Learning Environment

VR provides a safe environment for learning and experimentation. Students can engage in activities that would be dangerous, impractical, or impossible in the real world. For example, they can explore volcanic eruptions, practice emergency response scenarios, or study wildlife up close without any risk.

Cost-Effective Learning

While VR technology can be an initial investment, it can ultimately be cost-effective. Virtual labs, field trips, and simulations can reduce the need for physical resources and travel, lowering overall educational expenses. Schools can also update and expand their VR content more easily than traditional textbooks or physical equipment.

Personalized Learning

VR offers personalized learning experiences tailored to individual students’ needs and interests. Teachers can create customized VR lessons that cater to different learning styles and paces. This personalization helps students stay engaged and improves their academic performance by addressing their unique learning needs.


Virtual Reality is revolutionizing education by providing immersive, interactive, and inclusive learning experiences. Its ability to engage students, facilitate experiential learning, and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications makes it a powerful educational tool. As VR technology continues to advance, its role in education will undoubtedly expand, offering even more innovative ways to enhance learning and prepare students for the future. Schools that embrace VR are not only at the forefront of educational technology but are also providing their students with unparalleled opportunities for growth and success.


Explore our VR Collection

The Benefits of LEGO Education in Irish Schools

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In the dynamic world of education, innovative tools and methods are essential for engaging students and fostering a love of learning. LEGO Education is one such tool that has made significant strides in schools worldwide, including Ireland. This short blog post explores the numerous benefits of incorporating LEGO Education into Irish classrooms and how it can enhance the educational experience for students.

Enhancing STEM Learning

LEGO Education kits are designed to stimulate interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects. By allowing students to build and program their own models, these kits provide hands-on experience with complex concepts. This practical approach helps demystify STEM subjects, making them more accessible and engaging. In Ireland, where there’s a strong emphasis on STEM education to support future careers in technology and engineering, LEGO Education is a valuable resource.

Encouraging Creativity and Problem-Solving

LEGO bricks are synonymous with creativity. When used in the classroom, they encourage students to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. Whether constructing a simple bridge or a complex robotic system, students must plan, design, test, and refine their creations. This process develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for academic and life success.

Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork

Many LEGO Education activities are designed to be collaborative, requiring students to work together to achieve a common goal. This teamwork fosters communication and social skills, as students must discuss ideas, share tasks, and support each other. Such collaborative experiences are invaluable in preparing students for the collaborative nature of modern workplaces.

Supporting Inclusive Education

LEGO Education offers inclusive opportunities for students of all abilities. The tactile nature of LEGO bricks makes them accessible to students with different learning styles and needs. This inclusivity ensures that every student can participate in and benefit from hands-on learning experiences. In Ireland, where inclusive education is a key priority, LEGO Education helps create a more equitable learning environment.

Bridging the Gap Between Learning and Fun

One of the greatest advantages of LEGO Education is its ability to make learning fun. Students often perceive LEGO activities as play, which reduces anxiety and increases their willingness to engage with educational content. By bridging the gap between learning and fun, LEGO Education fosters a positive attitude towards school and learning, which can lead to improved academic outcomes.


LEGO Education is a powerful tool that enhances learning in numerous ways. From promoting STEM education and developing critical thinking skills to fostering collaboration and inclusivity, its benefits are extensive. As Irish schools continue to embrace innovative educational methods, LEGO Education stands out as an effective way to engage students and prepare them for the future. By integrating these kits into the classroom, Irish educators can create dynamic, inclusive, and enjoyable learning experiences that inspire a lifelong love of learning.

5 Advantages to Buying a Chromebook

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While chromebooks are not as powerful as gaming laptops, they’re plenty fast for basic tasks like checking email or browsing the web. If macOS or Windows 10 is not your choice above all others, these web-based laptops are both reliable and inexpensive. If you have a tight budget or looking to get some light work done, Chromebooks may be a good option for you.


Chromebooks are designed for classroom environments, so most of them have spill-resistant keyboards and extra tight hinges. As we all know, kids (as careful as they are) have a tendency to drop things, particularly technology. Though we don’t recommend chucking one off of a cliff, they can survive minor drops and other unplanned disasters.


As we are all well aware Apple MacBooks tend to be on the higher end of the price point when choosing a laptop. Chromebooks, which cost anywhere from €99-€400, are a budget-friendly alternative. For example, the 14 inch Lenovo N42 Chromebook, armed with 4GB of RAM and a Celeron N3060 processor, is €219 for the base configuration. For €120 more, you can choose a brand new Acer Chromebook 314 with 32GB of storage. For a 14” screen, you can’t ask for better value and quality than that.

They Look the Part

Some Chromebooks are really bland-looking, meant to be more practical than beautiful, while others have that high quality laptop look to them. For me, Acer have really hit the nail on the head as far as the design goes. Currently at a very affordable €339, the Acer 314-1H has a sleek clean look to it and with a 14” LED Screen, it really stands out from the crowd.

Good Battery Life

When it comes to Chromebooks, you can expect to get six hours or more on a single charge, as they use less power than Windows laptops. If you want to get another couple of hours out of it, we’d recommend dimming the screen and disabling Bluetooth. Ideal for bringing out and about when fully charged without the niggling fear that the battery isn’t going to last.

Largely Virus-Free Systems

The cool thing about Chromebooks is that you don’t have to download third-party virus software. That’s because they run ChromeOS, which automatically downloads new security patches every six weeks. That means you’re pretty safe from new-found threats, as they have built-in virus protection. With that being said, I wouldn’t say Chromebooks are entirely immune from malware attacks. Oh and since they’re webpage-based, they support something called sandboxing, which isolates threats to specific browser tabs.


View our Full Range of Chromebooks

Blended Learning – Advantages to a New Way of Learning

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As students and teachers prepare to take a break from their studies and work in the coming weeks, learning as we know it may be taking on a new pattern. Blended learning is sure to become the norm for many colleges throughout the country.

Blended learning uses a mix of training strategies to deliver the best results. Combining traditional classroom training with online training, allows the beneficiaries to reap the benefits of hybrid learning listed below:


A blended learning approach provides ultimate flexibility in presenting content. Certain topics can be presented in the classroom, while other subjects may be available online. With an online component, you’ll also increase flexibility and convenience over how and when your students participate in learning.


With a well-planned blended learning strategy, you can efficiently and quickly deliver training to a broad audience. And with digital assets such as videos and recordings and eBooks, the potential for re-use is huge. You can easily help more people get up-to-speed after the initial rounds of training have passed.


Blended learning is a strategy that can be used to save money.  Including more online options in your training program saves on travel and missed work. When you are hosting live events online, you eliminate student and instructor travel costs.


A well-crafted blended solution can provide a seamless transition from classroom to computer or vice-versa. You can design ways of continuing discussion themes and personalising content to a person’s specific job or interests.

Extended Reach

Creating a blended learning strategy reduces classroom teaching time. By digitising the expertise of talented instructors or subject-matter experts, you can reach more people with high-quality content at a fraction of the cost. That frees up knowledgeable instructors to offer more classes, or create more training content, or work on other things.

Covers all Learning Styles

It’s always important to take learning styles into account then designing training for adults. Effective blended learning is a “best of all worlds” solution that can help you cater to all learning styles through a variety of media and techniques.


At GreenIT, we have embraced the new normal and can tailor our offers to incorporate blended learning tools to support businesses, schools and colleges whatever their needs may be. Get in touch to discover how we can help you.

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