Large Basket
The LocknCharge Large Basket allows you to quickly and safely distribute and retrieve multiple devices so you can significantly reduce the time to prepare your device.Increase your time for classes and meetings.
Holds up to 5 devices up to 13″
Baskets have been used for centuries because they are practical.The technology is still used in a variety of situations, such as carrying groceries and storing laundry.The simplest method is the best way to do is to be an exception in education and business. It saves you a lot of time and is perfect for carrying around. LocknCharge baskets make a dramatic difference in your device management.
Safe to carry
The handle stays in vertical position when you lift the basket.More secure to carry.
Easy to insert and remove
Wider slots for easy access to devices with caseNibs on the bottom of the basket keep each device stable and wobble.
Efficient distribution and retrieval
By managing your devices in a basket, you can significantly reduce distribution/retrieval time.
- External dimensions (raised handle): Width 7.1 x Height 17.1 x Depth 9.6 inches (18.0 x 43.5 x 24.5 cm).
- External Dimensions (when handle is lower): Width 7.1 x Height 9.8 x Depth 11.2 inches (18.0 x 25.0 x 28.5 cm).
- Weight: Approx. 1.7 lbs (0.76 kg).
- Material: Plastic
- Colors: 1x Blue, 1x yellow, 1x green, 1x red
- Devices:Â Chromebooks, Laptops, Tablets up to max. size of 370 x 234,2 x 24,5 mm