Planning for the ”New Normal”

Planning for the ”New Normal”


The past few months have been tough on us all, some more than others. For businesses, it has been a testing time. A lot of companies have been forced to temporarily close as we fight the pandemic together. Many have adapted to the restrictions and this has seen many employees working from home. As the phased reopening of businesses takes place, it is time for businesses to start the fightback.

Companies need to begin putting in place measures to ensure they get back on their feet, as the slow recovery begins:


  1. Introduce Covid-19 Health & Safety Measures

We have all being doing our part in hand sanitising and keeping our distance. Whether it is out for a walk or doing the shopping, we have learned to adapt to the government’s-imposed restrictions, and it is working. As businesses start to reopen, similar measures need to be introduced to ensure the safety of all at work.

  • Employee Sign In/Out procedures to ensure contact tracing
  • Hand sanitiser Stations
  • Temperature checks
  • Social distancing put in place
  • PPE provided where necessary


  1. Working From Home

Many companies may have employees working from for the foreseeable future. In terms of productivity, it is advisable that staff are equipped with an ideal office set up at home. This will allow employees to carry out their daily roles to the best possible standard. Whether it is an additional monitor or an ergonomic chair, companies should try to accommodate staff members with the equipment they need to carry out their work. We should all prepare for a new normal of employees possibly having to work from home, particularly in the near distant future.

  1. Suppliers

As we are all in this together, it is important to be open with suppliers. You may need more stock to cope with the surge in demand when the country, as a whole, ‘re-opens’. Maintaining strong relationships with suppliers brings with it, trust and support. Remember, they have been affected by the current situation as much as you, it is important to work together.

  1. Understand New buying Behaviours

It is no secret that buying habits have changed dramatically over the past number of months. The demand in online sales has surged like nothing witnessed before. It is important that businesses understand new supply channels based on consumer buying habits. Review your online presence and improve on it where possible. Take advantage of the ‘New Normal’ and build your online activity to meet changing consumer behaviours.

  1. Government Support

Businesses are being supported by Government initiatives. Make sure, as a business affected by Covid-19, that you avail of the supports available to you. The smallest things can help. From the Trading Online Voucher, the Online Retail Scheme to Grant Supports for business, there is something there that your business can avail of to get you back up and running. For a info on Government support see below:

  1. Mental Health

We have all been through tough times. This pandemic has taken its toll both emotionally and mentally on a high number of people. Businesses have been hit hard in just a short few weeks. It is a phase of our lives nobody will forget. It is new to us all and it affects people differently. On the back of Mental Health Awareness Week, it is important to look after your mental health. Talk to someone, vent your frustrations, stay active, whatever works for you. Remember we are all in this together. We will come through it. Stay safe, stay connected, stay sane and stay active.

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