Category Archives: Blog Post

Cloudready – breath new life into your old machines

cloudready neverware

GreenIT in partnership with Neverware are delighted to bring Cloudready to the Irish market. This exciting product, backed by Google, makes it possible for old machines to get a new Chrome operating system. This operating system, which is based on the Google platform that we all know and love (Gmail, Google search engine, GDrive, Google Docs etc) gives new life to older and refurbished machines, thereby extending not only the lifespan of the machine but also your budget.

Cloudready screen







Why should a school use Cloudready?

  • Accelerating Adoption: If you’re already buying Chromebooks, chances are you have Windows computers left over from before you made the switch. CloudReady can convert those legacy machines so that your entire fleet can be unified under the Google Admin console.
  • Reviving Aging Machines: Over time, even the best PCs slow down. CloudReady replaces their aging operating systems and heavy local apps with something speedy and lightweight that won’t slow down over time.
  • Risk-free Exploration: Adopting any new technology always carries risks and uncertainties. CloudReady lets you experience the Google platform with no risk, no cost, and no need to get approval for hardware. Just download, install, and see for yourself.

If your school is interested in trying Cloudready, interested in getting some machines with Cloudready installed or just interested……contact us at [email protected] for more info.

Contact GreenIT Ireland

5 iPad Tips & Tricks

Apple iPads

Apple iPads are wonderful devices which millions of people use every day both in work and at home.

Their portability makes them a nice alternative to a laptop and their large display make them much more useful than a phone.

Tablets are taking the world by the storm, but are you getting the most out of you tablet? Are you getting the best experience possible with you iPad?

With these few tips and tricks, you will hopefully enhance your iPad experience


Apple sometimes get a bad name for the lack of customization that can be done on iOS, but there is more to customize than you might think.

A basic customization that surprisingly a lot of people don’t use or maybe know about at all is that you can change the iPad background. If you go to ‘settings’ and then onto ‘wallpaper’ and click ‘choose a new wallpaper’ you can browse and choose your own wallpaper from your own camera roll, or you can choose one of apples wallpaper. Apple’s wallpapers are both static and dynamic. The dynamic ones feature the pictures slowly moving, which can really liven up your tablet, but beware they can also suck up your battery quite fast.

Folders are another great way to customize your iPad and make it easier to use. If you long click on an app and drag it over another app you can put these apps into one folder. Then you can drag whatever else you need into these and make certain folders for certain things such as a news folder with all your news apps in it. With the use of these folders you will get a nice neat layout on your iPad making it easier to navigate in day to day life.


Storage can sometimes be an issue with Apple products. Managing your storage is sometimes tricky, but if you use the right techniques you will have no trouble with your storage.

If you go into you iPad’s settings you will be to manage your storage. If you click on the ‘general’ tab and then ‘iPad storage’ you will be able to see all the details of what is on your iPad. From here you will be able to see which apps or content is using up your storage and be able to remove and delete whatever you want or need to make room for yourself. Apple will also provide suggestions for you to increase your storage and decrease the amount of unneeded junk on your device.

Another great way to save on space is to use cloud services like iCloud, google drive/photos or Dropbox. If you store all of your photos in the cloud you can then delete them off of your device. You can also then access your photos from anywhere on any device, which is a very useful feature.


Apple’s voice activated assistant Siri is a very useful tool which you should use if you want to get most out of you iPad.

Using Siri, you can do hundreds of great things without lifting a finger to type or click anything.

You can check the weather, set timers, set alarms, make calls send messages and many greater little features.

All you have to do is long press on the home button and say ‘Hey Siri….’ followed by your command.

So, for example if you wanted to know the weather you would say ‘Hey Siri, what is the weather like where I am’, Siri will then read out the local weather for your area.

This is a major step forward in phone and tablet technology and will make your experience with your iPad more comfortable and hopefully easier.

4.Find my iPad

Apple provide a very useful feature for you if you lose or misplace your iPad. The ‘find my iPad’ application can be used to locate your iPad whenever you need to.

If you go to settings, then into the iCloud tab and then ‘find my iPad’ and make sure it is turned to the on position.

Once you have done this, when or if you lose or misplace your iPad, you just log in to or open the find my iPhone app on an iPhone. And you will be able to view the location of the iPad.

This feature is amazing and could save you hundreds of euros if you have misplaced you iPad.

5.Copy and Paste

You may already know this one, but it is a vital and incredibly useful thing to use.

Just like on a computer or laptop you can copy and paste text on you iPad and transfer it between applications. This is an amazing feature which I use all the time.

To copy and paste on an iPad is incredibly simple, just long press on the first word of the text you wish to copy, this will highlight the word. Then drag the cursor along to highlight as much text as you wish to copy.Then once you have what you want selected then click copy.

Then go to where you want to paste the text and long press on the page and then click the paste button. It’s as easy as that.

If you don’t already use this feature, start using it now, this is a very useful feature which can help you in multiple ways.

Every since the first iPad was released, the apple tablets have played a major role in millions of people’s lives.

If you adhere to these tips and tricks you will hopefully get a more full and enjoyable iPad experience.

If you don’t have an iPad or Tablet or are wanting a new one, checkout out our great Tablets section for great offers.

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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The Future Of Technology

The Future Of Technology

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

Technology is constantly changing and improving our lives in various ways. This will hopefully continue and our lives will improve greatly with great tech advancements.

In this blog I look forward to see what those advancements will be and how they will affect our day to day lives, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each.

In this ever-changing world technology is key and what the future holds is bright and exciting.

These 5 things are already here in some form and will become more and more mainstream in time.

1.Self Driving Cars

Perhaps one of the most important and exciting advancements in technology is the introduction of self-driving cars.

This progression into driverless cars has been coming for a while, with sci-fi books and movies predicting this years ago.

But only now is it starting to become a reality, with great GPS and camera technology, companies such as Google, Tesla, Audi and more now have self-driving cars in production being used on the road daily.

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

The technology on these cars are amazing, and potentially safer than human drivers already, and this will only improve. At some point down the line, it will become too dangerous for humans to drive with autonomous cars and cars as we know them today will become outlawed on the road. This is one disadvantage to the driverless car, with car fanatics worried that it will ruin the car industry. And it possibly will with performance not being of any use in a self-driving car, all cars will have the same engine.

While there have been a few crashes and unfortunately fatalities in self-driving cars already, the technology will improve, and this will revolutionize the car market all over the world.

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

2.Drone Delivery

Drones are another piece of technology that have been on people’s minds for a few years now and will more than likely shape the future.

While drones are great for aerial photography among other thing, one specific use excites everyone today, drone delivery.

Many Companies are working on this at the moment, with online shopping giant Amazon at the forefront on this movement.

Amazon have promised drones to be able to deliver your products

While this seems like a wonderful development in delivery technology, doesn’t come without its faults.

Airspace laws are probably the main issue facing potential drone delivery companies. Drones flying around may cause crashes with helicopter, planes etc. So, until they figure out a solution to this issue drone delivery will be halted.

Another issue facing them would be battery life on the drones, but with great leaps in battery technology happening all the time this problem should resolve itself quickly enough.

3. 3D Printing

Of course, we wouldn’t write an article on the future of technology without mentioning 3D printing.

This is probably one of the most promising advancements in technology and will hopefully help a lot of people.

3D printing will have major benefits in both commercial and home use. You can pretty much make what you want with a 3D printer which give you pretty much endless possibilities.

In Commercial use many companies are already using 3d printers to produce their products or parts for their product, and advancements in this will only get better.

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

What excites me and others more is the possibilities elsewhere for 3D printing, this come in many different areas.

For example, a great use of it would be to 3d print body parts for medical use. Such as a heart valve for a patient who needs one. Work has already begun on this and once this comes into place it will more than likely change the face of medicine forever.

Another potential use would be to print food, again this is at the beginning stage already, but some people slate it as a possible cure for world hunger, which is of course an unbelievable claim, but if it came to pass it would change the world as we know it.

3D printing does have a few downsides unfortunately, for example you could easily print a weapon. And because it would be a custom weapon it would be incredibly hard to trace, therefore causing law enforcement issues when investigation a weapon related crime.

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

4.Internet of things

You may not have heard the term ‘Internet of things’ before but you soon will. Basically, this is where every device/appliance is connected to the internet. This is getting more and more present in homes already, but this will grow and grow until almost all devices are Wi-Fi/internet enabled.

Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant are currently an example of a hub for the internet of things. Using a system such as Alexa you can do countless things around your house if you have the correct devices/appliances. This includes turning on and off you lights from anywhere/by using your voice, you can also get a smart oven or fridge or dishwasher or any appliance and control them from your phone or computer or wherever is available.

This has great possibilities in the future, to a point where all electronic devices will be somehow be connected to the internet.

The disadvantage to this is that then all these devices can then be hacked and cause chaos in your house, but with better security this can easily be put to rest.

Currently the problem with implementing this in your current life would be the expensive price of all the gear you would have to buy to get decent use out of a so called ‘internet of things’. To buy a Wi-Fi enabled version at the moment can cost you a couple of hundred more than the standard version of most appliances/devices. So, it might be worth holding off on investing in the ‘internet of things’ until it becomes more mainstream.

5.Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, the words which seem to be in everyone’s head at the moment.

It is potentially one of the most exciting developments in the history of the earth, with the uses reaching far and wide.

Like all of the 4 other future technologies, AI is already in use today, but only in a small capacity of what it could and potentially will be in the future.

All of the 4 other technologies mentioned use/will use a type of artificial intelligence.

The Future Of Technology Blog Post

The self-driving cars will in the future and somewhat at present, be able to look at the road ahead of them and make their own decisions for the safety of the car.

While drone delivery will again, learn their surroundings and react intelligently accordingly.

Alexa is also a form of AI, responding to user instructions with intelligent and useful answers/actions.

This is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to what AI can do in the future.

Future technology is always hard to predict, for example we are still waiting for the Hover board from Back to the Future,

but if even half of this stuff mentioned above come through, we are in for a treat.

These new technologies, will hopefully change our entire lives for the better.

The future is bright and I for one cannot wait!

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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Android Vs iOS

Android Vs iOS

Android Vs iOS Blog Post

Android or iOS, the question on the whole worlds mind currently and for the past Decade. Apple released the iPhone in 2007, just a few months later google released its first android phone through HTC, and the battle has been raging since. Almost all phones or tablets in the world currently run either iOS or android, with a few exceptions such as windows phones or tablets and a few other.

When buying a new Phone or tablet, it is always important to have a look and see which operating system is best for you. Some people have personal preferences and will like to go with what is familiar to them, maybe this is the best option if you want an easy experience, but both platforms have big advantages so don’t just write off one because you rather another.

In this blog I’m going to run through what makes android great, what makes iOS great and compare the two and hopefully come to a conclusion as to which is the superior operating system.


When it comes to apps it’s a fairly even category. The Android App Store ‘Google Play’ boasts a whopping 3.5 Million apps. This is an enormous amount of app and more than you could even dream of having on your phone.

The iOS app store holds a slightly less significant 2.1 Million apps. Obviously still a large number of apps and more than you would need but significantly less than that of the Google Play store.

Android Vs iOS Blog Post

The difference in quantity of apps on the respective app stores is mainly due to the rigorous vetting process by apple for new applications by developers. When a developer submits an application to the apple app store, there application will be check for every little thing under the sun to make sure it is ok for download on an iOS. While on the google play store, Google are a lot more forgiving to developers and allow almost any application that the developer would upload to the store, once it’s not malicious or illegal.

While this means that the google play store contains almost 1.4 Million Applications than the iOS app store, the quality of the iOS app store applications are kept to a high standard.

Because of this I feel iOS Comes out on top in the app category.

Winner: iOS

Android Vs iOS Blog Post


It is in this category that Android comes to the fore. With great customizability android blows iOS’ locked down interface out of the water.

Depending on the android device, users get great customizability. Most android phones will come with the ability to change the theme of the phone changing the background, icons etc. With an android you can also customize your home screen to how you would like it, with shortcuts to apps and great widgets which are very useful and handy to use.

iOS are somewhat less customizable, you can set your background and there are some limited widgets that you can use, but it really doesn’t come close to the customizability that is available to android users.

Android’s major customizability means it trumps iOS department, if you want a extremely customizable device, Android is more than likely the way to go.

Winner: Android


Android always gets a bad name for usability, mainly from iOS user, which can sometimes be wrong.

Android customizability which was mentioned as an advantage, is somewhat of a disadvantage when it comes to usability. The customizability can sometimes prove difficult and confusing for some users. That being said you don’t have to use these customizable options, and sometimes in doing so it can confuse yourself. Some android makers can provide was to make your experience easier, such as the ‘easy mode’ on some Samsung phones.

Android Vs iOS Blog Post

The uniformity of iOS allows for ease of use and its simple interface allows users to seamlessly work their phone or tablet. The iOS design only changes incredibly subtly so the iOS devices will always have that same familiar feel. This is why a lot of people considering a switch from iOS to android will site the usability as the reason for sticking with apple.

Because of iOS devices ease of use, it wins out here, although android isn’t far behind, with it getting a somewhat un-warranted bad name.

Winner: iOS

Android Vs iOS Blog Post


Now this is a hard one to call. With both types of devices out scoring each other in different areas.

When it comes to the camera, iOS has a slight edge over android devices, but with the vast array of android devices available the quality of the camera can differ greatly. But major flagship android phones/tablets such as Samsung’s latest Galaxy S9 can compete with Apples camera to a certain extent.

Again, with the performance specs the android can be both better and worse than iOS because of the varying different models of devices. But the more expensive android devices can easily match up with apple’s offerings and in some cases surpass the iOS devices.

Because of the higher spec android products, android slightly edge this category too, but iOS really isn’t far off Google’s contribution.

Winner: Android

Android Vs iOS Blog Post

Unfortunately, as predicted this one is too close to call I’m afraid. 2 wins each in the 4 categories we reviewed them under shows exactly the competition that is still alive and well between these 2 platforms.

iOS edges android in Apps and Usability, while android comes out on top on in the Hardware and Customizability sections.

So, the real winner is whichever is your preference when it comes to phones or tablets, whether you like and easy to use device with great apps or an extremely powerful and customizable device, the decision is up to you in this case.

You can’t really go wrong in either case with both platforms being exquisite.

Winner: Draw

For great iPads and Android Tablets check out our very own Refurbished Tablets and New Tablets,

Great Value and well worth every penny. Such as our great iPad Air 2 which is now only €275, which is a stunning deal for the product you get.

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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Tech Week: Why a Chromebook is the best option for you


Green It Blog Post Why Buy A Chromebook

To Celebrate Tech Week (22nd-28th April), we are giving you a low down on why you should buy a Chromebook.

The Dell Chromebook 11 is our bestselling device. Many schools have switched to our Chromebooks and many members of the public have converted to the Dell.

Chromebooks are very powerful and prove as a worthy alternative to both a laptop and also a tablet.

Their lightness and ease of use makes them a very useful tool in everyday life. Below I will go through why Chromebooks are the perfect choice for you whether you are at home or in the classroom.

Chromebooks vs iPads

Many people compare Chromebooks to Tablets and iPads, due to their small size, portability and capabilities. But in many areas the Chromebook comes out on top.

Unlike the iPad, on the Chromebook you can set up multiple user accounts on the one Chromebook. Then when you sign in with your email your individual profile is loaded. This would be very useful in a school where more than one student or teacher might be using the same Chromebook.

Green It Blog Post Why Buy A Chromebook

Many people compare Chromebooks to Tablets and iPads, due to their small size, portability and capabilities. But in many areas the Chromebook comes out on top.

Unlike the iPad, on the Chromebook you can set up multiple user accounts on the one Chromebook. Then when you sign in with your email your individual profile is loaded. This would be very useful in a school where more than one student or teacher might be using the same Chromebook.

The Dell Chromebook 11 comes with a physical keyboard unlike the iPad. This keyboard makes it easy to do work and perform tasks on your Chromebook.

The Chromebook also supports flash where the iPads do not, while also having the ability to open multiple tabs, where the iPad can only have one tab at a time.

At an amazing price of €159 the Chromebook comes in very cheap compared to the costlier iPad. And now for Tech Week (22nd-28th April), with the coupon code:techweekcb you can get 10% off the Dell Chromebook 11.

The storage in the Dell Chromebook 11 sits at 16GB SSD, but with the use of google drive to store all of your files, storage is never a problem with the Chromebook.

In many ways the Chromebook reigns supreme over the iPad and this is the reason why many people have chosen the Dell Chromebook 11 as their go to device.

Green It Blog Post Why Buy A Chromebook

Chromebook vs Windows Computers

Chromebooks again have a good few advantages over Windows PC’s and Laptops.

Large Laptops and big desktop PC’s are difficult to move and are not always very portable. With its slim compact body and its 11.6″ screen, the Dell Chromebook 11 is both more portable and lightweight than most Windows computers.

The Dell Chromebook 11 also has a very quick boot up time, faster than most Windows computers, with the boot up only taking a few seconds, so you can get to work straight away.

The Chromebook is also very easy to set up, as all you have to do is log into your google account and away you go, which a whole lot easier than the sometimes cumbersome Windows computers.

For schools, Chromebooks are a lot easier to manage for IT Departments, with their quick set up and simplicity, they are not very complex and should be a walk in the park for anyone setting them up.

Chromebook is a real contender to go up against the Windows PC, and in many areas, it turns up on top.

Great Price

Another major selling point is the great price of Chromebooks, with our bestseller the Dell Chromebook 11 being a steal at only €159,  when you use coupon code techweekcb just for tech week you can get a further 10% off that.

You really get your money’s worth for this and it is cheaper than most iPads and Windows Computers.

While being the lowest priced laptop on our website, it is the most sold and the most applauded for its great performance and many great uses, by both schools and by the general public.

We also from time to time have great deals for Schools only on our education offers page, with often being great deals on sets of Chromebooks with trolleys which are capable of holding multiple Chromebooks.

The great price is a great advantage to the Chromebook and it will hopefully entice you to go on and

Chromebook Cons & Alternatives

While I have been pumping up the Chromebooks as the best thing since sliced bread, they aren’t always for everyone.

Chromebooks, while they are very useful, they in some cases don’t replace a PC when it comes to specific specialist software which the Chromebook cannot run such as solid works.

Also, Chromebooks can sometimes have limited compatibility, with services such as Skype being not compatible with the Chromebook. Usually there will be an alternative for this provided, such as you can use google hangouts instead of the incompatible Skype.

iPads will also usually have potentially more applications as they have access to the app store which has millions of applications. But the Chromebook also has its fair share of applications.

So, if the Chromebooks aren’t for you, we have alternatives on offer.

We have a great range of iPads, with the great deals, with the compact iPad Mini 2 16GB for only €199 or the more powerful iPad Air 2 16GB now only €299, and for this week only use coupon code:techweekair2 to get 10% off the Air 2.

You could also choose the path of the Windows PC or Laptop.

For example, the great HP Probook 6475b Laptop with AMD A4, 4GB RAM and 320GB Hard Drive now only €199.

Or our great HP Compaq 8300 Elite SFF with Powerful Core i5, 4GB RAM and 320GB Hard Drive at the great price of €259 Or get the same HP Compaq 8300 in a bundle with monitor and keyboard/mouse from €309.

While these are all worthy competitors, we feel that the Chromebook comes out on top and should be first on your list when looking for the perfect device.

Our Bestseller the Dell Chromebook 11 never fails to impress any consumers and it won’t fail to impress you too. Whether you are from a school or you just want a new laptop, the Chromebook is the best option for you.

Google working with laptop manufacturers such as Dell have cooked up something special, and now’s your chance to get in on the action.

Don’t forget to use with the coupon code:techweekcb you can get 10% off the Dell Chromebook 11 for the week.

Happy Chromebooking!

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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5 Mac Tips and Tricks


5 Mac Tips and Tricks

Macs are very useful and powerful computers which millions of people use every day, and while you think you may be getting the most out of your computer, there are a few tips and tricks which you can implement to bring your Mac OS experience to a new level.

Whether you are using a MacBook pro, air, iMac or any mac computer these little tweaks will hopefully make your life easier.

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

1. Mac’s Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

Anyone who has used a Windows PC will know how useful the ctrl + alt +delete function is, but you may not know that Mac also provides a similar function.

Many times, a program may not be responding and you can’t close it, and the only way to stop it is to force close it.

Apple provide you with the force quit applications feature. This can be accessed using Cmd + Option.

You will then get a dialog box called ‘force quit’ from here you can view all running applications and you can force quit from whichever one that you need.

This is a very useful tool if you have issues with any particular programs.

2. Switch between multiple programs

A very useful shortcut Apple provide is the option to switch between multiple programs quickly. This is very useful for quick access to different programs quickly.

Just by clicking Cmd + Tab you can switch between different programs quickly.

Another feature that Apple Provide is the ability to switch between windows when you are in a specific program. To do this you can use the Cmd + ~ shortcut, and again this is very handy for quick use of certain programs.

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

3. Cursor Grow

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

We all have had the situation where you come back to your laptop or desktop and you can’t find the mouse on the screen.

A nice feature that apple provide is a easy way to find the cursor in a situation just like this.

If you can’t find the cursor, just wiggle the mouse or run you finger back and forth on the trackpad, and it will grow in size and become visible.

Once you’ve found your cursor, just stop the mouse and it will shrink back to its orginal size.

4.Start Silently

Mac has an iconic sound on startup, but it isn’t always appropriate.

Wheater it be in a meeting or  a library, you don’t always want this chime to go off.

Fortunatly for us Apple again provide a nice solution to this little sound issue.

Once you hold down the mute button, which is normally located on the f10 key on macs,during startup, It will keep silent and won’t disturb anyone in your area.

This is only a small issue but apples provides and easy solution.

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

5.Screenshot part of the screen

Green IT Mac Tips Blog Post

Another neat trick that Apple provide is the option to screen shot a certain part of the screen instead of the whole screen.

To do this just use Cmd + Shift + 4 This will then give you a box the screen where your screen shot will be.

From here you drag the box to where you want it and you can also resize it to your liking.

You can also use Cmd + Shift + 3 to grab the whole screen if that is what you need.

Hopefully these few tips and tricks will allow you to get more out of your mac.

They may be only small tweaks but they should hopefully make your experience better.

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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5 Windows 10 Tips and Tricks


Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

Windows 10 is one of the most powerful and popular Operating systems on the market currently. Everyday millions of people use Windows 10 and if you are one of these people, we have a few tips and tricks which you probably didn’t know.

These little features that Microsoft have included in their OS will hopefully make life easier and make windows 10 a whole lot easier to use.

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

1.Customize start menu

If the start menu isn’t up to your standard or you rather the classic one column style menu, Windows allows you to customize the start menu to how you want it.

The start menu comes with a tiled layout, but windows allows you edit these tiles to your liking.

You can change the size of these tiles and choose between small, medium and large.

If you choose unpin from start menu, the selected tile will disappear from the start menu. If you get rid of all the tiles using this method, you will be able to get the simplified one column windows classic style start menu.

Below is an example of this type menu without tiles.

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

2.Drag and Pin windows

I personally use this little trick all the time.  You have probably already used the drag feature to move windows around by clicking on the top of the page.

While doing this you can pin your windows. This is very useful as if you drag the window to the left of the screen it will pin on half the page, if you then drag another window to the right, you can then use these two windows simultaneously.

You can also split the windows into quarters as well as halves.

Here is an example of halving the windows;

First pull window to left of screen:

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

Then pull second window to right of screen:

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

You can then work off of both windows at the same time which is incredibly useful.

3.Virtual Desktops

Windows virtual desktops is a very useful tool which you can easily access on windows 10.  You can use these virtual desktops to keep separate desktops for work, for home and for social media.

These virtual desktops are easily accessed through the task view button on the taskbar, located right next to the start button.

When you click on the task view button you will be able to create new desktops and switch between desktops as well as view what pages are running on the current desktop.

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post
Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

You can switch quickly between these virtual desktops by using the shortcut WIN+CTRL+right/left arrow

4.Shake to clear

Another useful feature that Microsoft provide is the shake to clear method which is used to clear all unwanted windows quickly.

Let’s say you have 10 unwanted windows and you don’t want to minimize them all one by one. You grab the one you want to keep open by clicking on the top bar and then you shake it around.

The windows behind will all minimize in a useful and satisfactory manner.

Here are what the windows look like before shaking the main window:

Here it is after, with all the back windows minimized

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post
Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

5.Show/Hide Desktop Button 

Again, this is a feature I often use on a day to day bases and is something you should use to.

You might not know this but on the far right of the taskbar, there is a small but very useful button.

Windows 10 Tips And Tricks Blog Post

This button will quickly minimize any open windows and will bring up your desktop. Then if you click it again all the programs will appear again.

This is a very quick and effective tool.

Hopefully these few tips will make your Window experience much better accessible. I know that using these few tips have saved me time and effort in the past and they will do so too if you apply these tips.

If you don’t have a Windows 10 Computer, look at our great selection of Laptops and PCs at great prices here at GreenIT.

Enjoy your new found Windows power!

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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Essential Guide to buying a Laptop/PC

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post

Everyone more than likely has had or will have the headache of buying a laptop or PC at some point in their life. 

With the great variety of options and the complicated specifications can cause confusion and hardship when buying a new piece of tech.

This essential guide will go through all the bits and pieces you have to look out for when buying a laptop or PC.

If you follow these simple steps hopefully you will come out with exactly the computer you need for the price that makes sense for you.

There are a few incredibly important features you must look at when purchasing a Laptop or PC.


When buying a Laptop or PC brand is always an important when buying a computer. It is always best to buy from a known brand.

Most of our refurbished Laptops and PCs are big name computers from leading brands such HP, Dell and Lenovo, and then we will get Apple, Acer and other brands in periodically. 

These brands HP, Dell etc are large companies who make great computers. If you go off base and buy computers made by lesser known companies you can end up with issues such as build quality and other problems.

Our Top-quality brands will be the perfect choice for you when you are buying your laptop.

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post


When people who don’t have a tech background hear processor their minds shut down and will think it is all above their heads.

But fear not, picking the correct processor is not as hard as it looks. The two main brands of Processors are Intel and AMD. 

Both are powerful brands and both available on our website. 

Intel’s most popular and most powerful processors are the core i3, core i5 and core i7. We have multiple laptops and PC’s with these processors which give a great performance, Such as our Dell Latitude E6420 with a powerful core i5 processor, now only €289. or our HP Elite 8100 SFF PC which also with the great i5 processor is a steal at €239.

We also have some products on the cheaper but still powerful Intel Dual Core processor. An example of this would be our HP Probook 6545 at €169.

We have a few great AMD powered products too. Such as our HP Probook 6475b which uses the great AMD A4 which currently is a great deal at €199.

When buying a laptop or PC, always consider the processor as it is an integral part of the computer. You will have to pay a small bit more for a better processor but in the end, it will be worth it.

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post

3. Storage

Storage again is a vital part to consider when buying a computer. Depending on where the computer is being used and what it is being used for the storage needed will differ. 

Most of our laptops and computers will have a hard drive of 250GB, 320GB or 500GB. This storage is more than enough for the average person with 250GB being able to hold 60,000 songs or hold 25,000 pictures and the 320GB, 500GB holds more.

If this Storage isn’t enough, all products have an option to update your hard drive up to a massive 1TB.

Another option is to upgrade to the faster Solid-State drive. Having a SSD will speed up your computer astronomically. You can upgrade your computer to 240GB SSD for just €120.

Some of our products such as the extremely powerful Dell Latitude E6430 come with a 240GB SSD for a great price of €350.

Storage is always important but we have you covered at greenit, with great storage options and well-priced upgrades.

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post


Random Access Memory(RAM) is also very important for your computer. This will along with the processor define the speed of your device.

The majority of our Laptops and PCs come with 4GB RAM. This is more than enough for the everyday user. 

Our bestseller the Dell Chromebook 11 has 4GB RAM and is extremely quick and powerful and is very popular with the public as well as schools.

As with the Storage, if you do want to add more speed to your system, you are able to upgrade to 8GB RAM for the reasonable price of €60. 

Some of our products such as the impressive HP Probook 645 G1 for only €299 come with 8GB RAM already installed.

RAM plays a vital role in your computer and therefore must be taken seriously, but with our great options you will have no issues.

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post

5.Refurbished vs New

As stated in our previous blog Benefits of Buying Refurbished we believe that buying refurbished is the best option.

As you will read in that blog Refurbished products have great advantages. Such as Great savings, more performance for what you pay, the latest software, as good a warranty as new but a lot cheaper and you have the ability to update more often than if you buy new.

We have a great selection of refurbished Laptops and PCs, great and powerful computers which would suit almost anyone.

If you do not want to go refurbished we also have new Laptops and PCs also at great prices.

Essential Guide For Buying Laptop PC Blog Post

If you follow these few steps when buying a laptop or PC, you will not be disappointed with what you get.

GreenIT’s great selection of Laptops and PCs will hopefully contain all of your needs and you will get yourself the perfect computer.

Happy Shopping.

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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How to get the most out of your iPad/iPhone battery

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post

Everyone has experienced last minute rush to get to the charger before your phone finally gives up and runs out of battery. Smart phones and tablets can do great things but all this technology going into a small handheld device takes a lot of battery and can cause major headaches when you want to get something done.

Steps can be taken to minimize battery consumption and prolong your battery life before the next time your have to plug in and charge up.

If you follow these few tips you will hopefully see a rise in your battery life and you won’t be having to run to that charge quite so often.

1.Investigate Battery Usage

Firstly, to lower our overall battery usage we have to know what is causing our battery to run so low. On iOS you can view battery usage by going into settings and then battery. 

From here you will be able to see what is taking up your battery. You can sort by the last 24 hours or the last 7 days and you will be able to see a breakdown of the percentage of apps which use up your battery.

If you realise an application you never use is using up a large quantity of your battery you can then get rid of this app and therefore get some of that battery usage back again.

Or perhaps an app you use is taking up some battery, maybe it is time then to find a less battery consuming alternative.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post


Maybe somewhat unsurprisingly, your display takes up a large quantity of power on your device. With the screens on these products becoming more and more technology advanced the batteries cannot keep up and therefore these wonderful displays can cause large battery consumption.

A sure and solid way to decrease your battery consumption is to go into settings and then display & brightness settings and lower the brightness of your screen to as low as you feel comfortable using. This will hopefully greatly improve your battery.

You can also choose the auto brightness option which will use the devices ambient light sensor to control the brightness of your phone according to your surroundings.

Also, you can choose the length of auto-lock, which defines how long your screen will stay on when you are not using your phone. The lower the setting here is better as it will mean less screen time for your battery to contend with.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post


The use of GPS and location services on your device is often vital and increasingly useful. But having location services turned on constantly will eat up your battery. 

Luckily Apple give a way to manage which applications can use location services and therefore cute down on the loss of battery. To manage this location setting you go to settings then privacy and then location services. Then from here you get to choose what applications have access to the location services.

This makes a lot of sense, as while some apps will need to have access to location services but some applications will never use location services and will just waste your battery. 

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post

4.Unneeded Functionality

There are a lot of bells and whistles that apple provide which while very nice to use and make your device nice to see and use but they aren’t always needed.

An example of this would be the reduce motion setting. You can access this setting by going to the accessibility section of the general settings. From here you can enable reduce motion which will, as stated, reduces motion on the screen with changes such as zooms becoming fades and the parallax effect becoming static among other things.

Another thing you can do is, if you are running a dynamic or live wallpaper you could change it to a still image. Live wallpapers are always going and can take up a lot of your battery, and while nice to look at, they are not essential.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post


WiFi is a powerful and incredibly useful tool on any device. But you shouldn’t have it on at all times, and if you do you are wasting precious battery life. 

Bluetooth also is a great feature to have on your device but again you only need it at certain times and it will be using up your battery even when you are not using it, if its left on.

Other feature such as Apple Airdrop, the service provided by apple to share files with other nearby apple products, also cause your battery to go down.

These features can be turned off by swiping up on the bottom of the screen, and you will get a list where you can toggle on and off these connections.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone iPad Battery Blog Post

These tips will hopefully help your battery life. If not you may consider buying one of our great refurbished iPads or iPhones.

Battery life is an ongoing problem as the battery technology often cannot keep up with the device technology.

Cheers, Gavin

For more information: Contact [email protected] or Call 1890 815 699

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